- Tap / Click to return to Overview Page.
- Tap / click to log out of current user access.
- Tap / click to change from (°F) to (°C) and visa versa.
- Home Tab Quick snapshot of the current status of your system and access to most commonly used controls.
- Current mode of labeled Zone. A grey or faded snowflake/flame icon indicates RTU currently not running. Blue snowflake indicates "Cool" mode. Orange/red flame indicates "Heat" mode.
- Current mode of labeled Zone. A grey coil icon indicates "Idle" or "Off" mode. Blue coils indicate "Refrigerate" mode. Red coils indicate "Defrost" or "Drain" mode.
- Current status of lighting in labeled Zone. Tap / Click to override on or off. A grey or faded bulb indicates scheduled or software override "Off" status. A grey of faded bulb with finger indicates a physical "Manual Override Off" status. Yellow bulb indicates scheduled or software override "On" status. Yellow bulb with cloud indicates "Photocell On" status. Yellow bulb with finger indicates a physical "Manual Override On" status.
- Tap / click to go to "Schedules" tab of labeled Zone.
- Current kW consumption at mains (entire building).
- Graphical breakdown of current consumption Vs. average consumption over the last 7 days. Green is 0-50%, Yellow 51%-90%, and Red 90%-100+%.Graphical breakdown of current consumption Vs. average consumption over the last 7 days. Green is 0-50%, Yellow 51%-90%, and Red 90%-100+%.
- Current Occupancy status of labeled space(Occupied / Unoccupied), based on current schedule. Override current status by taping / clicking on button.
- Current active stages of cooling (snowflakes) or heating (flames). Vivid color when in use and dull when not in use. Multistage systems use multiple levels of heating or cooling to save energy. Like a dimmer on a light switch, they adjust the level of heating or cooling to the temperature you set. These efficient systems use the lowest level of heating or cooling needed and only use higher levels for those really cold or hot days.
- RTU fan status and mode. The fan blades show current status, still blades indicate that fan is not currently running and moving blades that fan is currently running. A sprocket behind the fan blades indicates fan mode set to "AUTO". If a sprocket is not present, then the fan mode is set to "ON".
- Tap / click to view graphed historical data.
- Current open / close status of door in labeled walk-in.
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